Monday, May 11, 2015

Summer camp 2015 "Shramdan"

"Shramdan":-  During this summer camp one of the mornings after the walk there is a 2 hours time doing physical work for all camp met. Cleaning of the small part of the campus was taken up. The sight was back side of the building. All the students with staff took part in it along with secretary of SSS also participating in this drive. The idea of taking such a exercise is to help developing concept of cleanliness, sense of co operation among peer group etc. They are not used to do these things at home and thus initially there is a reluctance in many of them in the beginning. But as they see their teacher and staff doing it they also attempt to do. Some of them will have late response like Idris. But all of them make a attempt. The only thing is we have to give them time, some times physical prompting or verbal prompting as well. For few of them it is a fun and they enjoy. 

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