Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What is the objective of the initiative

Sandnya always advocated small satellite units. Weather it is rehab unit or residential set up for mentally challenged. My view is small is beautiful. But that is partially true. The complete truth is small is well managed and so it could be beautiful. Though every small thing may not be beautiful that is also a fact. This is with reference to the new initiative named "Sandnya Chaitanya". Here the word ' beautiful' is almost meaning 'Divine'. In case of mentally challenged any work, project like special school, vocational training center or residential facility should not be any thing less than 'DIVINE' otherwise it is not likely to meet its desired objective or goal. I know most of the people may not agree with me but I have my own reason to have absolute faith in this. Many people feel compromising on few counts does not matter as long as it serves the purpose. But in my personal view trying to serve mentally challenged is nothing but trying to surrender to "GOD" and if it is true than there is no question of compromising.
The other thing I feel about is the objective it self. Am I looking to make it big and glorious or am I looking for Divinity in to it? Probably answer to this question decides the fate of our initiative.
So I feel more such small residential units should come with the active involvement of parents them selves. The active involvement of parents is not enough but it should be absolutely selfless. Here what I mean is if the particular parent is concerned about the welfare of his own ward, than the sole purpose of this type of attempt will get defeated. One will have to learn to look beyond the self interest and should work for the cause itself. Then only the answer to the real question of ' who will look after my child' when we as a parent are not in this world gets the true answer. What it really means is creating an infrastructure with such reliable functional system which is based on spiritual philosophy and not on materialistic ethos. It may appear difficult to follow but I believe it is not impossible to practice.
Sandnya Chaitanya is indeed a very commendably initiative and needs to be complemented and at the same time' Sandnya' assures all out support to this effort.

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