Friday, March 15, 2013

Towards the end of year 2012-13

Years come years go! Sandnya is completing 20 years in the service of mentally challenged. If we look from one angle 20 years is not a big period for an organizations life span. But look from the perspective that Sandnya does not take government aid right from its inception and the only funding source is philanthropy. This philanthropic support becomes more appreciable when we note that more than 80% supporters are small amount donors. Consider more than 400+ people donating different small amounts with remarkable consistency for since last 20 years. Another aspect of people's support is, only 42% comes through monthly donation and the rest of the amount comes as adhoc donations from general people not known to us. In the year ending 31st March'13 we are spending close to Rs.60 lacks. What makes people support us in such a big way with exceptional consistency? Why should people have faith in us? And let us understand one more thing, in most of the instances we do not ask for donations. In majority of cases it is a voluntary contribution. There are good number of people around us who do not yet believe that an organization can sustain for such a long period of 20 years without government aid and with such a excellent infrastructure and exceptionally remarkable quality of service.
One of the important philosophies in which we at Sandnya believe is " there are more number of good people in this world than otherwise'. This is one major reason for us getting such good support consistently. Another reason why people continue to have faith in us is the undaunted integrity of Sandnya management in its conduct. It is the absolute transparency on the part of Sandnya management which motivates people to support us through out this 20 year period.
We at Sandnya firmly believe that "Sandnya" is a DIVINE intervention and we are only the means to serve. We do not claim any credit, because we very well know that "HE" does every thing and we are supposed to follow "HIS" guidelines.

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