Friday, March 15, 2013

Third school bus coming .......

Sandnya is in need of third 40 seat bus for their mentally challenged students. The cost of the new bus is now Rs.16.00 lacks. We have been trying to raise the fund for this bus since last one and half years. Few of our student's parents took lot of interest in fund raising. They not only contributed themselves but approached their friends and acquaintances as well. Thus they helped partially to raise the amount. This is for the first time in 20 years history of Sandnya that parents helped in raising funds.
 We never asked parents for this. We at Sandnya have full realization about parents condition and thus have always avoided putting any additional burden on them. But this time few parents voluntarily came forward and offered to help raise funds. We are not only happy but thank them profusely for this voluntary gesture. This shows the sense of belonging and we certainly appreciate this.
We have now booked the 40 seat bus with the advance payment of Rs.5.00 lacks. Bus is likely to be delivered in two weeks time.

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