Few of our mentally challenged students are of profoundly or severely retarded category. And obviously you find very slow or in some cases near to zero improvement. I say near to zero because I feel there can not be a zero improvement. Because if we are giving input then there ought to be some positive result. For a simple reason and for the eternal principal of cause and effect. I firmly believe that every action will produce a effect however small or minimum it could be. Yes some results or effects could be tangible and some could not be. If we normal humans can not notice a resultant effect it does not mean it is not there. It only means I or we can not sense it.
Why I am discussing this? Few days back we had a AGB meeting of Sandnya and point of wait list was being discussed. Few members said, if there is no progress in a particular student how long we continue to keep him? Few members felt in such cases, parents treat Sandnya as a baby seating arrangement rather than a professional institute.
My personal contention is that it is not important what parents think. For me it is more important what we think about this fact. And in this context, I feel there can be no case with zero improvement, it is our short coming that we can not notice effect of our input. I do understand the concern of trustee members regarding demotivation of our staff in such cases. But it is the moral responsibility of the management to see that staff understands the spiritual philosophy behind this approach. It is our moral responsibility that we do not think about the result, while planning the input let us consider the current status of the student.
For a spiritual thought, thinking about results is as good as expecting some thing from your deeds. And that is not correct. One must continue to do his duty honestly and sincerely and the result be left to the " All Mighty". In my personal view Sandnya is not a charitable project or venture but it is a spiritually guided "Divine" work. And there for we at Sandnya can not afford to think the way this materialistic world think.
Most of the people around us do not understand the all round success of Sandnya. Most of the people including our close ones think that it is us who is behind the story of Sandnya since last 20 years. But it is not true, though it looks apparently that way. I am fully aware that why Sandnya is what it is? why it is? how it runs the way it runs! And why it stands all alone so mightily? I have not a slightest doubt that unless it is a "DIVINE" work it can not work the way it is going on. And that is why I am not worried about its future also. Who am I to worry? Am I a "DOER" ? Not at all! "HE" is the one who does everything we are only the means to deliver his wish. That is all in it.
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