This year Rakhi Unit sold rakhis worth Rs.2.5 Lacks. It is a record sale. The schools are co operating kind kindheartedly. It is more than 17 years since we selling rakhi through schools. For the whole of the year our group of students make rakhi under the close supervision of staff and they ably guided by couple of trustees of Sandnya.
Though we have achieved the record sales but the net profit after expenses is the same as last year. It is because the cost different raw material has gone up, but we have not raised selling price of different varieties. Nevertheless, participants of Rakhi Unit will get their monthly stipend.
In the selling network lot of parents of our students, donors, staff and volunteers were involved. It is indeed a joint and group effort. The consistency on our part has resulted in schools have scheduled their yearly activity calendar keeping our Rakhi stalls in mind. It is indeed a achievement in terms of spreading the message that "mental disability is not work disability".
Though we have achieved the record sales but the net profit after expenses is the same as last year. It is because the cost different raw material has gone up, but we have not raised selling price of different varieties. Nevertheless, participants of Rakhi Unit will get their monthly stipend.
In the selling network lot of parents of our students, donors, staff and volunteers were involved. It is indeed a joint and group effort. The consistency on our part has resulted in schools have scheduled their yearly activity calendar keeping our Rakhi stalls in mind. It is indeed a achievement in terms of spreading the message that "mental disability is not work disability".
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